Here are the results of our Facebook poll about the best photo op at Pop Century Resort!
Hourglass Lake
Hourglass Lake is a popular pick. “I like taking pictures along the Hour Glass Lake,” said Cheryl G.
Stacy P. agrees, saying, “Along the lake definitely!”
Pop Icons
Pop icons around the resort are also popular picks for a photo op. Tammy K. and Rachel H. both cast their votes for Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.
Melissa D. also voted for Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head, but also voted for the Playdoh can with giraffe and elephant.
Kathy N. said, “I like the Big Wheel followed by the Mickey phone.”
A Special Tip
Angela M. may have the best tip yet for busy parents who may have gained a pound or two over the years.

“Always have to have a picture of the kids sitting in one of the 0’s,” she said, which you can find located in front of Classic Hall. “Or if you want to hide figure flaws, it is a perfect place for the adult to hide behind for a pic.”
Great tip, Angela! And thanks to everyone who cast their votes for best photo op at Pop Century Resort!
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